************************************************************ * PROGRAM: PCR2.SAS * * PROGRAMMER: Cindy Rains * * DATE: 3/26/03 * * * * PURPOSE: OxE_rel datasets contain PCIT reliability * * data. This program converts the character * * variables to numeric variables and one * * dataset w/ all of the data for public use. * * INPUT: OxE_rel, s=site, y=year, c=cohort * * * * OUTPUT: PCR2SO1 * ************************************************************; ** Fill out information below for data processed in this run **; ** Name library holding SAS input data files **; LIBNAME SASIN "l:/datasets/observer/pcitreliability/u" ; ** Specify cohort number **; %let coh = 1 ; ** Enter year of data collection **; %let yr = 2 ; /* Grade 1 */ *************** DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE ******************************; ** Specify library for output datasets **; LIBNAME SASOUT "d:\work\pcit reliability\year 2" ; ** Allkey datasets **; LIBNAME ALL "d:\allkey" ; options ps=80 ls=132 nocenter nostimer ; **********************************************************************; DATA PCR1 ; SET SASIN.O&yr.E_rel ; **Need to convert the variables from character to numeric**; O&yr.E_r1x = CO&yr.E_r1+0; O&yr.E_r2x = CO&yr.E_r2+0; O&yr.E_r3x = CO&yr.E_r3+0; O&yr.E_r4x = CO&yr.E_r4+0; O&yr.E_r5x = CO&yr.E_r5+0; O&yr.E_r6x = CO&yr.E_r6+0; O&yr.E_r7x = CO&yr.E_r7+0; O&yr.E_r8x = CO&yr.E_r8+0; O&yr.E_r9x = CO&yr.E_r9+0; O&yr.E_r10x = CO&yr.E_r10+0; DROP CO&yr.E_r1-CO&yr.E_r10; RUN; DATA PCR2; SET PCR1; RENAME O&yr.E_r1x = O&yr.E_r1 O&yr.E_r2x = O&yr.E_r2 O&yr.E_r3x = O&yr.E_r3 O&yr.E_r4x = O&yr.E_r4 O&yr.E_r5x = O&yr.E_r5 O&yr.E_r6x = O&yr.E_r6 O&yr.E_r7x = O&yr.E_r7 O&yr.E_r8x = O&yr.E_r8 O&yr.E_r9x = O&yr.E_r9 O&yr.E_r10x = O&yr.E_r10; PROC SORT ; BY SITE TCID ; DATA SASOUT.PCR&yr.SO&coh. (label="Scored PCIT Reliability Y&yr. C&coh.") ; SET PCR2; **This keeps all of the data from the original dataset, OxE_rel, and creates a scored dataset**; Keep coxedate site tcid cohort sitecode calid reliabid tapeid o&yr.e_r1 o&yr.e_r2 o&yr.e_r3 o&yr.e_r4 o&yr.e_r5 o&yr.e_r6 o&yr.e_r7 o&yr.e_r8 o&yr.e_r9 o&yr.e_r10; LABEL O&yr.E_r1="BCS: Commands % Agreement" O&yr.E_r2="BCS: Positive Attention % Agreement " O&yr.E_r3="BCS: Negative Attention % Agreement " O&yr.E_r4="BCS: Compliance % Agreement " O&yr.E_r5="BCS: Noncompliance % Agreement " O&yr.E_r6="BCS: Disruptive Behavior % Agreement " O&yr.E_r7="BCS: Total % Agreement " O&yr.E_r8="IRS: # of Items with Reliability of 0" O&yr.E_r9="IRS: Sum of All Reliability Ratings" O&yr.E_r10="IRS: # of Items with Exact Agreement"; run; proc contents; run ; proc freq; table o&yr.e_r1 o&yr.e_r2 o&yr.e_r3 o&yr.e_r4 o&yr.e_r5 o&yr.e_r6 o&yr.e_r7 o&yr.e_r8 o&yr.e_r9 o&yr.e_r10; run;