*********************************************************************; *Program:prs6.sas *Programmer: Cari McCarty *Date 1/29/01 *Purpose: to score the p6s dataset (Parent Satisfaction Questionnaire-Grade 5) **********************************************************************; LIBNAME new 'C:\new'; DATA p6sint; SET new.p6sint; if p6s1=0 then p6s1=.; if p6s2=0 then p6s2=.; if p6s3=0 then p6s3=.; if p6s4=0 then p6s4=.; if p6s5=0 then p6s5=.; if p6s6=0 then p6s6=.; if p6s9=0 then p6s9=.; if p6s10=0 then p6s10=.; if p6s11=0 then p6s11=.; if p6s13=0 then p6s13=.; if p6s14=0 then p6s14=.; if p6s16=0 then p6s16=.; if p6s17=0 then p6s17=.; if p6s18=0 then p6s18=.; if p6s19=0 then p6s19=.; misspin=nmiss(p6s1, p6s2, p6s3, p6s4, p6s5, p6s6); prs6pin=mean(p6s1, p6s2, p6s3, p6s4, p6s5, p6s6); if misspin gt 3 then prs6pin=.; misshvi=nmiss(p6s9, p6s10, p6s11); prs6hvi=mean(p6s9, p6s10, p6s11); if misshvi gt 1 then prs6hvi=.; misstti=nmiss(p6s13, p6s14); prs6tti=mean(p6s13, p6s14); if misstti gt 1 then prs6tti=.; prs6cgi=p6s16; prs6pci=p6s17; prs6hoc=p6s19; prs6ois=p6s18; label prs6pin = "PRS Parent Interventions" prs6hvi = "PRS Home Visit Intervention" prs6tti = "PRS Tutor Intervention" prs6cgi = "PRS Children's Group Intervention" prs6pci = "PRS PATHS Curriculum Intervention" prs6hoc = "PRS Helpfulness w/other Children" prs6ois = "PRS Overall Intervention Satisfaction"; drop misspin misstti misshvi; proc sort; by site tcid; run; data new.prs6; set work.p6sint; run;