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Fast Track Project

paper cut out of peopleThe Fast Track intervention was based on the hypothesis that improving child competencies, parenting effectiveness, school context, and school-home communications will, over time, improve psychopathology from early childhood through adulthood. In 1990, it was piloted in four communities: Durham, Nashville, rural Pennsylvania and Seattle. Researchers continue to evaluate the long-term impacts of this comprehensive intervention.


Looking for Data?

checkbox of ratingsThe Data section offers an extensive amount of information on the data instruments used in the study. Technical Reports are available for each instrument, many having multiple reports. The primary report (first year used) includes information on the nature of the measure scaling, differences between study groups, and recommendations for use in analyses.

Data Overview
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Recent Publications

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Lansford, J. E., Godwin, J., Copeland, W. E., Dodge, K. A., Odgers, C. L., Rothenberg, W. A., Rybińska, A., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (in press). Fast Track intervention effects on family formation. Journal of Family Psychology.

Rothenberg, W. A., Lansford, J. E., Godwin, J., Dodge, K. A., Copeland, W., Odgers, C.,
McMahon, R., Goulter, N., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (2022).
Intergenerational effects of the Fast Track intervention on the home environment: A
randomized control trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Godwin, J., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (2020). The Fast Track intervention’s impact on behaviors of despair in adolescence and young adulthoodProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(50), 31748-31753.

Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (2015). Impact of early intervention on psychopathology, crime, and well-being at age 25American Journal of Psychiatry, 172, 59-70.

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