Teacher Practices

Abstract: The Teacher Practices Questionnaire: This is a questionnaire administered to teachers having cohort 1, 2, or 3 target children in their classroom during academic years 1994-1995, 1995-1996, 1996-1997, and 1997-1998. This corresponds to grades 4 and 5 for most of the sample. The questionnaire consists of 27 items meant to assess teacher practices, values and classroom-level assessment: classroom activities focused on community service, conflict resolution, teacher goals and priorities for classroom instruction, and comparison of the social competence of the current class to previous classes. Items are codes on item-specific 5-point scales. For most questions, 0 indicates low priority to goals promoted by the Paths curriculum and 4 indicates high priority to these goals. Values are reversed where needed to reflect this orientation. Items on this measure were constructed to assess 3 constructs. These are:

  • Teacher assessment of their class as compared to previous years on the social-emotional climate
  • Teacher weighting of different educational goals in their philosophy and practice
  • Teacher Management of conflict between students
Three scales for how mediation of classroom conflicts were resolved were created. Note that at least 50% of the items included in the scales were required for the subject to have a scale score. Otherwise, the scale was considered missing. The purpose of this data is to assess the universal portion of the Fast Track study. It could be used with additional teacher information for particular research questions not necessarily connected with the Fast Track intervention goals. Subscales were conceptually created by grouping items with particular PATHS objectives and not based on prior analyses. Many of the items have distributional issues that analysts should consider. Also, it should be noted there is no information as the to absolute level of conflicts in a particular classroom so a frame of reference is difficult to ascertain when evaluating teacher responses.

Who Completed this Measure?: Teacher

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: TyG

Scored Dataset Name: TCPySTc

Community Service, Conflict Resolution, , Student Interaction, Teacher Goals

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here

SAS Code for Scale Creation:
Download the code here

Measure Items and Scales:

tpractgrade Grade Level Using Teacher Info.
SEASON Season of Administration
CALYEAR Year of Administration
T5GS1 Class Involved in Service
T5GS2 Class Discusses Problems
T5GS3A Students Work Out Minor Conflict
T5GS3B Teacher Mediates Minor Conflict
T5GS3C Teacher Solves Minor Conflit-Rev
T5GS3D Send to Office for Minor Conflict-Rev
T5GS3E Entire Class Works Out Minor Conflict
T5GS4A Students Work Out Major Conflict
T5GS4B Teacher Mediates Major Conflict
T5GS4C Teacher Solves Major Conflit-Rev
T5GS4D Send to Office for Major Conflict-Rev
T5GS4E Entire Class Works Out Major Conflict
T5GG1 Goal - the Basics
T5GG2 Goal - Social Competence
T5GG3 Goal - Critical Thinking
T5GG4 Goal - Considerate Behavior
T5GG5 Goal - Creativity
T5GG6 Goal - Democratic Values
T5GC1 Class is supportive
T5GC2 Class Talks about Feelings
T5GC3 Class Solves Problems
T5GC4 Class has Pleasant Atmosphere
T5GC5 Class Puts Each Other Down-Rev
T5GC6 Class Frequently Argues-Rev
T5GC7 Class is Friendly
T5GC8 Class is Hard to Control-Rev
T5GC9 Class Feels like a Family
grade grade
split Split Classroom: 1 = yes
T5GG1D Goal - the Basics (D)
T5GG2D Goal - Social Competence (D)
T5GG3D Goal - Critical Thinking (D)
T5GG4D Goal - Considerate Behavior (D)
T5GG5D Goal - Creativity (D)
T5GG6D Goal - Democratic Values (D)
classmed5 classmed5
studentmed5 studentmed5
teachmed5 teachmed5
classcompare5 classcompare5
INTID Interviewer I.D. Number
SCHLID School I.D. Number
TCHID Teacher I.D. Number
sitecode sitecode