Teacher Social Competence

Abstract: The Teacher Social Competence (TSC) measure is a revision and integration of two measures collected in the initial years of Fast Track: the Social Competence Scale-Teacher (SCT) and the Teacher Post Ratings (TPR). The SCT includes 25 items assessing competency across three primary areas-academic behavior, prosocial skills, and emotional regulation. The SCT was administered in kindergarten, first, and second grades for all three cohorts (excluding cohort 1, grade 1). The TPR is a brief 10 item instrument designed to evaluate changes in academic performance and behavioral functioning over the course of an academic year. The TPR was administered in grades 2 and 3 (cohort two was also administered the TPR in grade 1). Technical reports exist for both the SCT (hard copy only, dated 9/95) and the TPR (soft copy on-line, dated 10/95). It should be noted that teacher ratings of social competence are also collected on the Social Health Profile (SHP). The SHP includes 9 items evaluating both prosocial behavior and emotional regulation, and was administered to all cohorts, from grades1-6. A technical report detailing this scale is available in hard copy through data center. This measure was developed with three principal objectives: (1) to reduce the assessment load on teachers by integrating the SCT and the TPR into a shorter, more efficient scale; (2) to minimize overlap with the SHP; and (3) to reduce the likelihood of response bias by organizing items according to content. The resultant scale is a 17 item measure assessing several dimensions of social behavior including prosocial behavior, emotional regulation, and academic competence. Each item has two parts. The first part of each item allows the teacher to rate the frequency of individual social behaviors on a 6 point scale (ranging from "almost never" to "almost always"). The second part of each item allows the teacher to rate improvement in the behavior over the course of the school year on a 7 point scale (ranging from "much worse" to "much improved"). The SCT contains three conceptually derived scales-prosocial/communication skills, emotion regulation skills, and academic behavior skills-although factor analyses suggest that the prosocial and emotion regulation scales are highly intercorrelated. The TPR yields two relatively clean scales reflecting change in academic functioning and change in prosocial behavior. While the TSC bears considerable conceptual similarity to the measures from which it derives, the changes made during the process of revision and integration are substantial. Consequently, exploratory factor analyses of the TSC (using Harris-Keiser rotation) were conducted. These analyses were conducted separately for each of the two sections of the TSC-once for items assessing the frequency of various socially competent behaviors and once for items assessing change in socially competent behavior over time. Results will be presented separately for each section. As noted, the TSC can be divided into two sections, the first assessing the frequency of 17 social behaviors and the second assessing change in these behaviors over the course of an academic year. Results from the analyses conducted here strongly suggest that these two sections should be scored separately and treated as distinct. Additionally, while this measure was developed to include three conceptual subscales (prosocial behavior, emotion regulation, and academic competence), the prosocial behavior and emotion regulation subscales are highly intercorrelated (this is true for both frequency and change sections). Hence, the two subscales should be scored separately only when a strong theoretical rationale supports making this distinction. For most research purposes, the items in these two scales should be combined in order to score a single social competence dimension.

Who Completed this Measure?: Teacher

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11
  • Year 07 | grade 6 | age 12
  • Year 08 | grade 7 | age 13
  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11
  • Year 07 | grade 6 | age 12
  • Year 08 | grade 7 | age 13
  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11
  • Year 07 | grade 6 | age 12
  • Year 08 | grade 7 | age 13
  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: TyH

Scored Dataset Name: TSCySTc

Academic Performance, Affective Behavior, Aggressive Behavior, Emotional Regulation, Empathy, Goal Orientation, Math Skills, Peer Relationships, Prosocial Skills, Reading Skills

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here

SAS Code for Scale Creation:
Download the code here

Measure Items and Scales:

SITECODE Actual Code Number on Form
TCID Target Child I.D. Number
GRADE Grade Level
SEASON Season of Administration
YEAR Year of Administration
SEX Sex of Child
SCHLID School I.D. Number
TCHID Teacher I.D. Number
INTID Interviewer I.D. Number
T7HPB1A Show empathy and compassion
T7HPB1B PB- How much has behavior (1a) changed
T7HPB2A Provide help, cooperative w/others
T7HPB2B PB- How much has behavior (2a) changed
T7HPB3A Take turns, play fair, follow rules
T7HPB3B PB- How much has behavior (3a) changed
T7HPB4A Listen carefully to others
T7HPB4B PB- How much has behavior (4a) changed
T7HPB5A Initiate interactions in positive manner
T7HPB5B PB- How much has behavior (5a) changed
T7HCF1A Stop and calm down when excited
T7HCF1B CF- How much has behavior (1a) changed
T7HCF2A Recognize and label feelings
T7HCF2B CF- How much has behavior (2a) changed
T7HCF3A Handle disagreements in a positive way
T7HCF3B CF- How much has behavior (3a) changed
T7HCF4A Get angry when provoked by other kids
T7HCF4B CF- How much has behavior (4a) changed
T7HCF5A Easily irritated when has trouble w\task
T7HCF5B CF- How much has behavior (5a) changed
T7HCF6A Show verbal and physical aggression
T7HCF6B CF- How much has behavior (6a) changed
T7HCF7A Obey classroom rules and directions
T7HCF7B CF- How much has behavior (7a) changed
T7HAC1A Effectively set and work toward goals
T7HAC1B AC- How much has behavior (1a) changed
T7HAC2A Able to read grade level and answer ques
T7HAC2B AC- How much has behavior (2a) changed
T7HAC3A Able to solve grade level math problems
T7HAC3B AC- How much has behavior (3a) changed
T7HAC4A Reliable in turning in assignments
T7HAC4B AC- How much has behavior (4a) changed
T7HAC5A Performing academically at grade level
T7HAC5B AC- How much has behavior (5a) changed
T7HCF4AR gets angry when provoked, recoded
T7HCF5AR easily irritated when troubled by task,
T7HCF6AR shows physical and verbal aggression, re
TSC7COMP Teacher rated social competence summary
TSC7CHNG total change in social competence
TSC7AC Teacher rated academic skills
TSC7CF Teacher rated emotional regulation
TSC7PB Teacher rated prosocial behavior
TSC7ACI Teacher rated improvement in academic sk
TSC7CFI Teacher rated improvement in emotional r
TSC7PBI Teacher rated improved prosocial behavio