Adolescent Stories

Adolescent Stories (CPPRG, 1999) captures the adolescent’s anticipated responses to and feelings about 6 hypothetical unfair or difficult social situations and yields scales capturing hostile attributions, benign attributions, feeling angry and feeling worried.

Abstract: The Adolescent Stories measure is a social-cognitive interview (CPPRG, 1999). It assesses the adolescent's hostile, or benign attributional tendencies, as well as brings them to express their feelings (angry, worried), how they want to be treated when presented with an unfair situation, and what response they would give to the person who put them in this unfair situation. The adolescents are presented with six hypothetical situations, where they could find themselves at a disadvantage, or been treated unfairly. They are then asked to rate how likely they would be to respond in a hostile, or benign manner (on a 5-point scale, from not at all likely to very likely), whether they would feel angry, or worried (on a 5-point scale, from not at all to very), which way they would like people to treat them (liked, respected) and finally, to choose between an aggressive and a competent response to the situation. Because of the way the interview is designed, conceptually summary scores were computed across stories. Items measure hostile attributions, benign attributions, angry feeling and worried feeling. Items also measure how much the respondent wants to be liked, or respected, and gives a competent or an aggressive solution to the problem he/she is presented with. Four summary scores for hostile attributions, benign attributions, feeling angry and feeling worried were computed by averaging the corresponding items across stories. Scores for percentages of wanting to be liked, wanting to be respected, competent responses and aggressive responses were computed across stories as well. It is recommended that analysts use the summary scores across stories described above. Caution should be observed with the percentage of aggressive responses as it is skewed towards low values.

Who Completed this Measure?: select one

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: CyAP

Scored Dataset Name: ASTySCc

Anger, Attitudes, Attributions, Hostility, Interpersonal Competence, Peer Relationships, Worry

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here

SAS Code for Scale Creation:
Download the code here

Measure Items and Scales:

c9ap1 How likely is it that this happened to you because the kid who yelled "Fire!" was being mean to you or was playing a joke specifically on you so you wouldn't get to talk to the girl/boy?
c9ap2 How likely is it that this happened to you because of some other reason that does not involve the other kid being mean to you?
c9ap3 How angry would you be if this happened?
c9ap4 How worried would you be that you wouldn't be able to find the girl/boy if this happened?
c9ap5 How would you want this situation to turn out in the end? You'd want the kid who yelled "Fire!":
c9ap6 What would you do or say to the kid who yelled "Fire!" if this happened?
c9ap7 How likely is it that the policeman questioned you because he is being mean to you or is thinking that you robbed the store?
c9ap8 How likely is it that the policeman questioned you because he thought you could help out with important information about the robbery?
c9ap9 How angry would you be if this happened?
c9ap10 How worried would you be that you would be arrested or taken to the police station if this happened?
c9ap11 How would you want this situation to turn out in the end? You'd want the policeman:
c9ap12 What would you do or say to the policeman if this happened?
c9ap13 How likely is it that the teacher said this to you because she doesn't trust you and was being mean to you?
c9ap14 How likely is it that the teacher thought someone else had taken your homework and that in fact you had completed the assignment?
c9ap15 How angry would you be if this happened?
c9ap16 How worried would you be that you would have to do the assignment over if this happened?
c9ap17 How would you want this situation to turn out in the end? You'd want the teacher:
c9ap18 What would you do or say to the teacher if this happened?
c9ap19 How likely is it that the other kid knocked over your books on purpose to be mean to you?
c9ap20 How likely is it that the other kid did not see your books and knocked them over by accident?
c9ap21 How angry would you be if this happened?
c9ap22 How worried would you be that your stuff would be ruined if this happened?
c9ap23 How would you want this situation to turn out in the end? You'd want the kid:
c9ap24 What would you do if this happened?
c9ap25 How likely is it that your parent believes that you are involved in the drug problem at school?
c9ap26 How likely is it that your parent believes that you are not involved in this drug problem and just wants to talk with you about what's going on at school?
c9ap27 How angry would you be if this happened?
c9ap28 How worried would you be that your parent was going to get upset with you if this happened?
c9ap29 How would you want this situation to turn out in the end? You'd want your parent:
c9ap30 What would you do or say to your parent if this happened?
c9ap31 How likely is it that the other kids failed to answer you because they don't like you and were being mean to you?
c9ap32 How likely is it that the other kids did not hear you or did not answer for some other acceptable reason?
c9ap33 How angry would you be if this happened?
c9ap34 How embarrassed would you be if this happened?
c9ap35 How would you want this situation to turn out in the end? You'd want the kids:
c9ap36 What would you do or say to the other kids if this happened?
sitecode Actual Sitecode Entered
adst9hostile adolescent stories: hostile attributions summary score year 9
adst9benign adolescent stories: benign attributions summary score year 9
adst9angry adolescent stories: feeling angry summary score year 9
adst9worry adolescent stories: feeling worried summary score year 9
c9aplike c9aplike
c9aprespect c9aprespect
adst9aggr adolescent stories: percentage of aggressive response year 9
adst9comp adolescent stories: percentage of competent responses year 9