Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)

Abstract: The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is a brief 10-item measure developed by the World Health Organization to assess excessive drinking and to help practitioners identify individuals who would benefit from reducing drinking. It identifies risky drinking, alcohol dependence, and some consequence of harmful drinking. The measure has been validated across a wide range of samples (e.g., primary care patients, drug users, and university students), cultures, and countries.  

Who Completed this Measure?: Target Child/Youth (now in adulthood)

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 26 | age 31-32
  • Year 28 | age 33-34

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 26 | age 31-32
  • Year 28 | age 33-34

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 26 | age 31-32
  • Year 28 | age 33-34

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: c28dz

Scored Dataset Name: AUD28

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Measure Items and Scales:

c28dz01 In the past 12 months, how often did you have a drink containing alcohol?
c28dz02 How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?
c28dz03 How often do you have 5 or more drinks on one occasion?
c28dz04 How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?
c28dz05 How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of drinking?
c28dz06 How often during the last year have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?
c28dz07 How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?
c28dz08 How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because of your drinking?
c28dz09 Have you or someone else been injured because of your drinking?
c28dz10 Has a relative, friend, doctor, or other health care worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?
Scales Items Description
aud28tot c28dz01- c28dz10 AUD28 Total Sum Score
aud28haz c28dz01- c28dz03 AUD28 Hazardous Alcohol Use Sum Score
aud28dep c28dz04- c28dz06 AUD28 Dependence Symptoms Sum Score
aud28hrm c28dz07- c28dz10 AUD28 Harmful Alcohol Use Sum Score
aud28hmd c28dz01- c28dz10 AUD28 Harmful Alcohol Use Indicator (tot>=8)
aud28apd c28dz01- c28dz10 AUD28 High Level of Alcohol Problems Indicator (tot>=16)