Beck Depression Inventory

Abstract: The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a 21-item (c28fb01-c28fb21) measure that identifies characteristic attitudes and symptoms of depression experienced in the last 2 weeks. The total sum score has demonstrated high internal consistency among psychiatric patients (alpha=0.86) and non-psychiatric subjects (alpha=0.81; Beck, et al., 1961). It is used in both clinical and research practices for assessing depression.  

Who Completed this Measure?: Target Child/Youth (now in adulthood)

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 28 | age 33-34

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 28 | age 33-34

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 28 | age 33-34

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: c28fb

Scored Dataset Name: bck28

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Measure Items and Scales:

c28fb01 Sadness
c28fb02 Pessimism
c28fb03 Past Failure
c28fb04 Loss of Pleasure
c28fb05 Guilty Feelings
c28fb06 Punishment Feelings
c28fb07 Self-Dislike
c28fb08 Self-Criticalness
c28fb09 Suicidal Thoughts or Wishes
c28fb10 Crying
c28fb11 Agitation
c28fb12 Loss of Interest
c28fb13 Indecisiveness
c28fb14 Worthlessness
c28fb15 Loss of Energy
c28fb16 Changes in Sleeping Pattern
c28fb16r Recoded: Changes in Sleeping Pattern
c28fb17 Irritability
c28fb18 Changes in Appetite
c28fb18r Recoded: Changes in Appetite
c28fb19 Concentration Difficulties
c28fb20 Tiredness or Fatigue
c28fb21 Loss of Interest in Sex
Scales Items Description
bck28dep c28fb01-15, c28fb16r, c28fb17, c28fb18r, c28fb19-21 Depression Category
bck28tot c28fb01-15, c28fb16r, c28fb17, c28fb18r, c28fb19-21 Total Sum Score