Cannabis Use Disorder Identification Test (CUDIT)

Abstract: The Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test-Revised (CUDIT-R) is brief 8-item (c28dr02- c28dr09) measure that identifies individuals with problematic cannabis use within the preceding six months. It assesses consumption, abuse, dependence, and psychological features. The CUDIT-R is a modification of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT; Saunders et al., 1993). The CUDIT-R total score has demonstrated high internal consistency (α = .91; Adamson et al., 2010). In addition to the screener item for CUDIT-R that assesses whether the respondent used cannabis in the last 6 months (c28dr01), our version of this measure includes 3 additional items: one capturing the frequency of use in the past 12 months (c28dr00), another capturing an expanded version an original CUDIT-R item capturing hours stoned in the last 6 months with an option for not using in the past 6 months (c28dr03a), and finally an item capturing number of times the respondent used cannabis in the past 30 days (c28dr10).

Who Completed this Measure?: Target Child/Youth (now in adulthood)

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 28 | age 33-34

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 28 | age 33-34

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 28 | age 33-34

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: c28dr

Scored Dataset Name: cud28

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Measure Items and Scales:

c28dr00 In the past 12 months, how frequently have you used cannabis?
c28dr01 Have you used any cannabis in the past 6 months?
c28dr02 Over the past six months, how often did you use cannabis?
c28dr03 How many hours were you “stoned” on a typical day when you had been using cannabis? 0=less than 1 hour – 4=7+hours
c28dr03a How many hours were you “stoned” on a typical day when you had been using cannabis? 0=did not use in the past 6 months, 5=7+ hours
c28dr04 How often during the past 6 months were you not able to stop using cannabis once you had started?
c28dr05 How often during the past 6 months did you fail to do what was normally expected of you because of using cannabis?
c28dr06 How often during the past 6 months have you devoted a great deal of your time to getting, using, or recovering from cannabis?
c28dr07 How often during the past 6 months have you had a problem with your memory or concentration after using cannabis?
c28dr08 How often during the past 6 months did you use cannabis in situations that could be physically hazardous?
c28dr09 Have you ever thought about cutting down, or stopping, your use of cannabis?
c28dr10 During the past 30 days, how many times did you use cannabis/marijuana?
Scales Items Description
cud28tot c28dr02-09 CUD28 Total Sum Score
cud28haz c28dr02-09 CUD28 Hazardous Cannabis Use Indicator (tot>=8)
cud28dis c28dr02-09 CUD28 Possible Cannabis Use Disorder Indicator (tot>=12)