Employment and Income – Grade 12 and Beyond
The Income and Employment-Grade 12 and Beyond scale was developed for the current study. Items were utilized from National Youth Longitudinal Study NLSY97 Round 3 Questionnaire and the Pittsburgh Youth Study Measure PL3130-Education.
Abstract: The Income and Employment Survey is a paper survey measuring 42 employment and income characteristics. The survey contains a series of questions that measure multiple aspects of employment and income for jobs within the last year. The original scoring method was established by Howe and Frazis (1992) at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as part of the National Longitudinal Surveys (NLSY97, Round 3). The NLSY97 was designed to gather information at multiple points in time about the youth labor market. Items used in the Fast Track interviews were adapted from the NLYS97, Round 3 employment section and the NLYS97, Round 3 income section. This measure was added to the Fast Track protocol in year 13 (2003) for cohort 1. Responses include multiple choice categorical scales, free response and dichotomous scales (yes / no responses). The Income and Employment Survey allows for the standardization of data collection regarding the participant‟s previous year‟s income and employment. The survey measures key factors related to employment and earnings. This report displays a limited number of variables, primarily to the first job only. The user is encouraged to investigate variables for second and third jobs and produce aggregated measures. The counts for second and third jobs are very small. The user is also encouraged to compute and aggregate sources of income. Verbatim description of the type of jobs the respondents perform has been displayed to indicate job activities. For classification of employment activities, the user is also encouraged to use either Census or Hollingshead classification. Variables C13BF5a and C13BF5b measure job classification using Hollingshead and Census codes.
Who Completed this Measure?: select one
Cohort 1 - Administrative History
- Year 26 | age 31-32
Cohort 2 - Administrative History
- Year 26 | age 31-32
Cohort 3 - Administrative History
- Year 26 | age 31-32
Technical Reports:
Raw Dataset Name: CxBF
Scored Dataset Name: IEMySCc
Earnings, Financial Support, Hours Worked, Illegal Activities, Income, Industry, Living Expenses, Occupation, Savings, Self Employed, Work Schedule, Youth Employment
Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: No
Obtain Measure:
Items were utilized from the
NLSY97 Round 3 Questionnaire
NLS User Services
Center for Human Resource Research
921 Chatham Lane, Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43221-2418
Tel: (614) 442-7366
Email: usersvc@chrr.ohio-state.edu
Web: National Longitudinal Survey
PYS Measure PL3130-Education
Pittsburgh Youth Study
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
3811 O’Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA 152130