Family Information Form

Abstract: The Family Information Form (CPPRG, 1990) is part of the summer interview given to parents after the school year was over. This meaure was used in year 1 for deriving demographic information, information concerning family structure, and socioeconomic status. Gradually, as the measure was used over the next 12 years, more and more items were added to include the target child's experience with adult male figures, the family yearly history of medical, mental health, drug and alcohol illnesses/difficulties for parents, the target child's siblings, and information for tracking families in the event of a move. Three scores were created for this dataset; the Socioeconomic Status Continuous Code, the Socioeconomic Status Categorical Code and the Family Occupation Code. Also, a variable called Time Together was created to reflect the number of years the adult male and adult female had been married or living together. The Fast Track Project created this form to collect general data about the target child and the target child's family. The majority of the items for this measure were designed to be single-use items and do not necessarily reflect a pattern within the data or a scale construct. Analysts should also note that several problems were noted in the analyses of this data:

  • Some respondents who said there was no female head of household for their family gave responses to items indicating that there was a female head for the family. To correct this problem, a forced skip pattern was used in the analyses of the data about the female head to eliminate those females who were not actually present in the household.
  • Also, some respondents said there was no male head of household for the family, yet gave responses to items indicating that there was a male head for the family. As was done with the data for the female heads, a forced skip pattern was then used to analyze only the data for the male heads who were noted as being present in the household.
  • Finally, a probable coding error was discovered for item, "How is the male head of household related to the target child?" The majority of responses for all of the samples indicated that most men were stepparents of the target child, rather than biological fathers. This error did not occur in the data collection for the other cohorts for year 1 or in other years for this measure. It is possible that the two responses (biological parent and stepparent) were reversed on the 1991 form, but the Data Center has not yet found definitive evidence either way.

Who Completed this Measure?: Parent

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 01 | K | age 6
  • Year 02 | grade 1 | age 7
  • Year 03 | grade 2 | age 8
  • Year 04 | grade 3 | age 9
  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11
  • Year 07 | grade 6 | age 12
  • Year 08 | grade 7 | age 13
  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14
  • Year 10 | grade 9 | age 15
  • Year 11 | grade 10 | age 16
  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17
  • Year 13 | grade 12 | age 18

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 01 | K | age 6
  • Year 02 | grade 1 | age 7
  • Year 03 | grade 2 | age 8
  • Year 04 | grade 3 | age 9
  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11
  • Year 07 | grade 6 | age 12
  • Year 08 | grade 7 | age 13
  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14
  • Year 10 | grade 9 | age 15
  • Year 11 | grade 10 | age 16
  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17
  • Year 13 | grade 12 | age 18

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 01 | K | age 6
  • Year 02 | grade 1 | age 7
  • Year 03 | grade 2 | age 8
  • Year 04 | grade 3 | age 9
  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11
  • Year 07 | grade 6 | age 12
  • Year 08 | grade 7 | age 13
  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14
  • Year 10 | grade 9 | age 15
  • Year 11 | grade 10 | age 16
  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17
  • Year 13 | grade 12 | age 18

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: PyB

Scored Dataset Name: FIFySPc

Demographic Characteristics, Family History, Family Relations, Family Structure, Finances, Mental Illness, Parent Child Relationship, Parent Employment, Special Education, Substance Abuse

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here

SAS Code for Scale Creation:
Download the code here

Measure Items and Scales:

TCID Target childs identification number
FHCILL father - chronic illness
FHSPED father - special education
FHTYPE father - type of spec ed
FHHYP father - hyperactive
FHALCL father -- alcohol problem
FHDRUG father - drug problem
FHDEPR father - depressed/suicidal
FHMENT father - mental hospital
FHDUI father - dui
FHARR father - arrests
MHCILL mother - chronic illness
MHSPED mother - spec ed
MHTYPE mother - type of special ed
MHHYP mother - hyperactive
MHALCL mother - alcohol problem
MHDRUG mother - drug problem
MHDEPR mother - depressed/suicidal
MHMENT mother - mental hospital
MHDUI mother - dui
MHARR mother - arrests
TCCILL target child -- chronic illness
TCSPEC target child -- special education
TCTYPE target child -- type of special educatio
TCHYP target child -- hyperactive
TCALCL target child -- alcohol problem
TCDRUG target child -- drug problem
TCDEPR target child -- depressed/suicidal
TCMENT target child -- mental hospital
TCDUI target child -- dui
TCARR target child -- arrests
S1CILL sibling 1 -- chronic illness
S1SPED sibling 1 -- special education
S1TYPE sibling 1 -- type of special education
S1HYP sibling 1 -- hyperactive
S1ALCL sibling 1 -- alcohol problem
S1DRUG sibling 1 -- drug problem
S1DEPR sibling 1 -- depressed/suicidal
S1MENT sibling 1 -- mental hospital
S1DUI sibling 1 -- dui
S1ARR sibling 1 -- arrests
S2CILL sibling 2 -- chronic illness
S2SPED sibling 2 -- special education
S2TYPE sibling 2 -- type of special education
S2HYP sibling 2 -- hyperactive
S2ALCL sibling 2 -- alcohol problems
S2DRUG sibling 2 -- drug problems
S2DEPR sibling 2 -- depresed/suicidal
S2MENT sibling 2 -- mental hospital
S2DUI sibling 2 -- dui
S2ARR sibling 2 -- arrests
S3CILL sibling 3 -- chronic illness
S3SPED sibling 3 -- special education
S3TYPE sibling 3 -- type of special education
S3ALCL sibling 3 -- alcohol problem
S3DRUG sibling 3 -- drug problem
S3DEPR sibling 3 -- depressed/suicidal
S3MENT sibling 3 -- mental hospital
S3DUI sibling 3 -- dui
S3ARR sibling 3 -- arrests
S4CILL sibling 4 -- chronic illness
S4SPED sibling 4 -- special education
S4TYPE sibling 4 -- type of special education
S4HYP sibling 4 -- hyperactive
S4ALCL sibling 4 -- alcohol problem
S4DRUG sibling 4 -- drug problem
S4DEPR sibling 4 -- depressed/suicidal
S4MENT sibling 4 -- mental hospital
S4DUI sibling 4 -- dui
S4ARR sibling 4 -- arrests
S5CILL sibling 5 -- chronic illness
S5SPED sibling 5 -- special education
S5TYPE sibling 5 -- type of special education
S5HYP sibling 5 -- hyperactivity
S5ALCL sibling 5 -- alcohol problem
S5DRUG sibling 5 -- drug problem
S5DEPR sibling 5 -- depressed/suicidal
S5MENT sibling 5 -- mental hospital
S5DUI sibling 5 -- dui
S5ARR sibling 5 -- arrests
S6CILL sibling 6 -- chronic illness
S6SPED sibling 6 -- special education
S6TYPE sibling 6 -- type of special education
S6HYP sibling 6 -- hyperactive
S6ALCL sibling 6 -- alcohol problem
S6DRUG sibling 6 -- drug problem
S6DEPR sibling 6 -- depressed/suicidal
S6MENT sibling 6 -- mental hospital
S6DUI sibling 6 -- dui
S6ARR sibling 6 -- arrests
S7CILL sibling 7 -- chronic illness
S7SPED sibling 7 -- special education
S7TYPE sibling 7 -- type of special education
S7HYP sibling 7 -- hyperactive
S7ALCL sibling 7 -- alcohol problem
S7DRUG sibling 7 -- drug problem
S7DEPR sibling 7 -- depressed/suicidal
S7MENT sibling 7 -- mentalhospital
S7DUI sibling 7 -- dui
S7ARR sibling 7 -- arrests
S3HYP sibling 3 -- hyperactive
SITE Site (4 char)
COHORT character code TCs cohort
SITECODE character code TCs site
INTID96 1996 interviewer ID
INTID97 1997 interviewer ID
P7B2 A4. TCs gender
P7B3 A5a. TCs race
P7B160 A5b. what is TCs birth mothers race
P7B161 A5c. what is TCs birth fathers race
P7B4 A6. grade TC attended last year
P7B5 A7. school TC attended last year
P7B6 A8. grade TC will attend next year
P7B7 A9. school TC will attend next year
P7B162 A10a. was TC in head start
P7B163 A10b. was TC in other preschool prgrm
P7B164 A10c. was TC in licensed daycare
P7B8 B1. adult living here/running house
P7B10 B5. race of adult female
P7B11 B6. relation of adult female
P7B12 B7. marital status of adult female
P7B13 B8a. does adult female work
P7B165 B8b. longest time FH at same job-months
P7B14 B9a1. FH kind of job now - hollingshead
P7B166 B9a2. FH kind of job now - census bureau
P7B167 B9b1. FH kind of job usually-hollingshe
P7B168 B9b2. FH kind of job usually-census bur
P7B15 B10. adult female hours of work/week
P7B16 B11. adult female work schedule
P7B17 B12a. adult female-last grade completed
P7B174 B12b. highest ed degree FH attained
P7B18 C1. adult male live here/run house
P7B19 C4. relation of adult male to female
P7B20 C5. how long married-years
P7B21 C5. how long married-months
P7B23 C7. male head of household race
P7B24 C8. relation of adult male to TC
P7B25 C9. adult male marital status
P7B26 C10a. does male head of household work
P7B169 C10b. longest time MH at same job-months
P7B27 C11a1. MH kind of job now - hollingshead
P7B170 C11a2. MH kind of job now -census bureau
P7B171 C11b1. MH kind of job usually-hollingshe
P7B172 C11b2. MH kind of job usually-census bur
P7B28 C12. adult male hours of work/week
P7B29 C13. adult male work schedule
P7B30 C14a. adult male-last grade completed
P7B173 C14b. highest ed degree MH attained
P7B195 C14c. # adults contribute job earnings t
P7B196 14d family incl child have health ins th
P7B197 14e Do you & child rec. support from Med
P7B198 C14fa1  AFDC--applies?
P7B199 C14af2.  AFDC--amount
P7B200 C14fb1.  Child Support--applies?
P7B201 C14fb2.  Child Support--amount
P7B202 C14fc1. SSI/Disability/Soc Sec Ret./Surv
P7B203 C14fc2. SSI/Disability/Soc Sec Ret./Surv
P7B204 C14fd1. Retirement Benefits--applies?
P7B205 C14fd2. Retirement Benefits--Amount
P7B206 C14fe1. Loan payments--apply?
P7B207 C14fe2. Loan Payments--amount
P7B208 C14ff1. Money given to family--applies?
P7B209 C14ff2. Money given to family--amount
P7B210 C14fg1. Payments for providing foster ca
P7B211 C14fg2. Payments for providing foster ca
P7B212 C14fh1. Food stamps--applies?
P7B213 C14fh2. Food Stamps--amount
P7B214 C14fi1. Public Housing Assistance--appli
P7B215 C14fi2. Public Housing Assistance--amoun
P7B216 C14fj1. Unemployment--applies?
P7B217 C14fj2. Unemployment--amount
P7B218 C14fk1. WIC Program--applies?
P7B219 C14fk2. WIC Program--amount
P7B220 C14fl1. Other--eg dividends, interest--a
P7B221 C14fl2. Other--eg dividends, interest--a
P7B31 C15. total household income
P7B32 D1. do other adults live in home w/TC
P7B33 D2b. adult 1 gender
P7B34 D2c. adult 1 relation to TC
P7B35 D2d. adult 1 own home/manage family
P7B36 D2e. adult 1 TCs primary caretaker
P7B37 D2f. adult 1 involved in childrearing
P7B38 D3b. adult 2 gender
P7B39 D3c. adult 2 relation to TC
P7B40 D3d. adult 2 own home/manage family
P7B41 D3e. adult 2 TCs primary caretaker
P7B42 D3f. adult 2 involved in childrearing
P7B43 D4b. adult 3   gender
P7B44 D4c. adult 3 relation to TC
P7B45 D4d. adult 3 own home/manage family
P7B46 D4e. adult 3 TCs primary caretaker
P7B47 D4f. adult 3 involved in childrearing
P7B48 D5b. adult 4 gender
P7B49 D5c. adult 4 relation to TC
P7B50 D5d. adult 4 own home/manage family
P7B51 D5e. adult 4 TCs primary caretaker
P7B52 D5f. adult 4 involved in childrearing
P7B53 D6. TC contact with father
P7B54 D7a. TC contact w/father - not at all
P7B55 D7b. TC contact w/father - telephone
P7B56 D7c. TC contact w/father - in person
P7B57 D7d. TC contact w/father-father's home
P7B58 D7e. TC contact w/father - other
P7B59 D8. wish TCs father more involved
P7B60 D9. TC see members of father's family
P7B61 D10a. other males involved w/TC
P7B62 D10b. number males involved w/TC
P7B63 D10d. male 1 relation to TC
P7B64 D10e1. male 1 - teach experiences
P7B65 D10e2. male 1 - athletics, activities
P7B66 D10e3. male 1 - talk, support
P7B67 D10e4. male 1 - long distance support
P7B68 D10e5. male 1 - monetary support
P7B69 D10e6. male 1 - discipline
P7B70 D10e7. male 1 - other
P7B71 D11b. male 2 relation to TC
P7B72 D11c1. male 2 - teach experiences
P7B73 D11c2. male 2 - athletics, activities
P7B74 D11c3.  male 2 - talk, support
P7B75 D11c4. male 2 - long distance support
P7B76 D11c5. male 2 - monetary support
P7B77 D11c6. male 2 - discipline
P7B78 D11c7. male 2 - other
P7B79 D12. more male involvement desired
P7B80 D13. quality of male influence on TC
P7B81 D14. births, adoptions, new children
P7B83 D15b. sibling 1 gender
P7B84 D15e. sibling 1 relation to TC
P7B85 D15f. sibling 1 live at home
P7B87 D16d. sibling 2 gender
P7B88 D16e. sibling 2 relation to TC
P7B89 D16f. sibling 2 live at home
P7B91 D17d. sibling 3 gender
P7B92 D17e. sibling 3 relation to TC
P7B93 D17f. sibling 3 live at home
P7B176 D32.1c. sibling 1 gender
P7B178 D32.2c. sibling 2 gender
P7B180 D32.3c. sibling 3 gender
P7B139 D27. any other children live with TC
P7B141 D28c. child 1 gender
P7B143 D29c. child 2 gender
P7B145 D30c. child 3  gender
P7B147 D31c. child 4 gender
P7B149 D32c. child 5 gender
P7B150 D34. TC spend time in 2nd household
P7B151 D35b. gender of head of 2nd household
P7B152 D35c. head of 2nd household relation
P7B153 D36b. gender of adult 2 in 2nd household
P7B154 D36c. adult 2 (2nd house) relation to TC
P7B155 D37b. gender of adult 3 in 2nd household
P7B156 D37c. adult 3 (2nd house) relation to TC
P7B157 D38. did you grow up in this area
P7B158 D39. do you have relatives in this area
P7B159 D40. is it possible that you might move
DATE_97 Date of 1997 interview
DATE_96 Date of 1996 interview
CP7B1 A2. TCs birthdate
CP7B9 B4. birthdate of adult female
CP7B22 C6. male head-of-household birthdate
CP7B82 D15a. sibling 1 birthdate
CP7B86 D16b. sibling 2 birthdate
CP7B90 D17b. sibling 3 birthdate
CP7B140 D28b. child 1 birthdate
CP7B142 D29b. child 2 birthdate
CP7B144 D30b. child 3 birthdate
CP7B146 D31b. child 4 birthdate
CP7B148 D32b. child 5 birthdate
CP7B175 D32.1b. sibling 1 birthdate
CP7B177 D32.2b. sibling 2 birthdate
CP7B179 D32.3b. sibling 3 birthdate
P7B1 A2. TCs birthdate
P7B9 B4. birthdate of adult female
P7B22 C6. male head-of-household birthdate
P7B82 D15a. sibling 1 birthdate
P7B86 D16b. sibling 2 birthdate
P7B90 D17b. sibling 3 birthdate
P7B140 D28b. child 1 birthdate
P7B142 D29b. child 2 birthdate
P7B144 D30b. child 3 birthdate
P7B146 D31b. child 4 birthdate
P7B148 D32b. child 5 birthdate
P7B175 D32.1b. sibling 1 birthdate
P7B177 D32.2b. sibling 2 birthdate
P7B179 D32.3b. sibling 3 birthdate