Home Interview with Child

Abstract: The Home Interview with Child (HIWC) has been administered as part of the summer child interview during the first four years of the Fast Track project. The interviewer shows the child a series of eight drawings that depict two types of social situations and reads a brief description of the situations. The pictures and descriptions concern two types of social situations: 1) Ambiguous Minor Harm situations where the respondent is asked to pretend he/she has been bumped or hit with a ball and 2) Unsuccessful Peer Entry situations ask the respondent to pretend he/she has approached a group, has attempted to join it, and is either explicitly told he/she cannot join the group, or is ignored by the children in the group. The HIWC generates two open verbal responses about each of eight situations. In total, there are eight responses where the child interprets an offender's intentions and eight responses where the child describes how he/she would behave in response to the offense. The interviewer codes responses to the interpretation questions into one of three categories: hostile, nonhostile, and don't know. Responses to the eight behavior questions were coded into one of six categories: don't know, do nothing, ask why/ask again, make a command, threaten adult punishment or make a threat, or retaliate/be aggressive. Analysts should note that the distributions for the scales for both the normative and the high-risk samples are fairly normal, with small amounts of skewness. The same is true for each of the individual items of the measure for both the normative and the high-risk samples; their distributions are all fairly normal, with only small amounts of skewness.

Who Completed this Measure?: select one

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 01 | K | age 6
  • Year 02 | grade 1 | age 7
  • Year 03 | grade 2 | age 8
  • Year 04 | grade 3 | age 9

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 01 | K | age 6
  • Year 02 | grade 1 | age 7
  • Year 03 | grade 2 | age 8
  • Year 04 | grade 3 | age 9

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 01 | K | age 6
  • Year 02 | grade 1 | age 7
  • Year 03 | grade 2 | age 8
  • Year 04 | grade 3 | age 9

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: CyB

Scored Dataset Name: HICySCc

Aggressive Behavior, Hostile Behavior, Peer Relationships,

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here

SAS Code for Scale Creation:
Download the code here

Measure Items and Scales:

TCID Child's ID Number
C4BHI1 Why Do You Think Todd/Jessica Hit You
C4BHI2 What Would You Do?
C4BHI3 Why Do You Think Alan/Leah Said No
C4BHI4 What Would You Do?
C4BHI5 Why Do You Think John/Lisa Bumped You
C4BHI6 What Would You Do?
C4BHI7 Why Do You Think Carl/Carolyn Said No
C4BHI8 What Would You Do?
C4BHI9 Why Didn't Other Kids Answer
C4BHI10 What Would You Do?
C4BHI11 Why Do You Think Brett/Wendy Bumped You
C4BHI12 What Would You Do?
C4BHI13 Why Didn't Other Kids Answer
C4BHI14 What Would You Do?
C4BHI15 Why Do You Think He/She Bumped You
C4BHI16 What Would You Do?
SITE Study Site
HIC4NHA # of Hostile attribs HIWC Y4
HIC4NAT # of Nonhostile attribs HIWC Y4
HIC4NKT # of Don't Know attribs HIWC Y4
HIC4NMC # of Miss attrib resps HIWC Y4
HIC4PHA Pct Hostile attribs HIWC Y4
HIC4NKC # of Don't Know actions HIWC Y4
HIC4NAC # of Do Nothing actions HIWC Y4
HIC4NWA # of Ask Why actions HIWC Y4
HIC4NCA # of Command actions HIWC Y4
HIC4NPA # of Punish actions HIWC Y4
HIC4NRA # of Retaliate actions HIWC Y4
HIC4NMT # of Missing action resps HIWC Y4
HIC4PRP Pct Ret and Pun actions HIWC Y4
HIC4RPS Ret and Pun actions score HIWC Y4