Interview on Emotional Experience – Grade 3+
Abstract: The Interview on Emotional Experience is a measure given to children as part of the summer interview for the first four years of the study. The measure focuses on four emotions—happiness, sadness, anger, and worry. For each emotion, the child is asked several questions about the emotion and the interviewer then codes the child’s responses. There are numerous ways that the IEE can be analyzed, including conducting separate analyses on each question, or by each emotion. Because of the high number of “no responses” to the second request/prompt for each question, it is recommended that the first response to each question be considered in the analyses of this instrument. Users of the Interview on Emotional Experience measure should note that there are reliability problems for almost every response scale for both the normative and the high-risk control samples. The reliabilities for the response scores for the normative sample ranged from -.05 to .43. For the high-risk control sample, the reliabilities ranged from .06 to .49.
Who Completed this Measure?: select one
Cohort 1 - Administrative History
- Year 04 | grade 3 | age 9
Cohort 2 - Administrative History
- Year 04 | grade 3 | age 9
Cohort 3 - Administrative History
- Year 04 | grade 3 | age 9
Technical Reports:
Raw Dataset Name: CxJ
Scored Dataset Name: IERySCc
Affective Behavior, Anger, Emotional Response, Happiness, Sadness, Worry
Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes
Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here
SAS Code for Scale Creation:
Download the code here
Measure Items and Scales:
COHORT | Cohort |
TCID | Study ID Number |
SITE | Site, Specified in Program |
C1BEX1 | EMO. EXP. Item 1 |
C1BEX2 | EMO. EXP. Item 2 |
C1BEX3 | EMO. EXP. Item 3 |
C1BEX4 | EMO. EXP. Item 4 |
C1BEX5 | EMO. EXP. Item 5 |
C1BEX6 | EMO. EXP. Item 6 |
C1BEX7 | EMO. EXP. Item 7 |
C1BEX8 | EMO. EXP. Item 8 |
C1BEX9 | EMO. EXP. Item 9 |
C1BEX10 | EMO. EXP. Item 10 |
C1BEX11 | EMO. EXP. Item 11 |
C1BEX12 | EMO. EXP. Item 12 |
C1BEX13 | EMO. EXP. Item 13 |
C1BEX14 | EMO. EXP. Item 14 |
C1BEX15 | EMO. EXP. Item 15 |
C1BEX16 | EMO. EXP. Item 16 |
C1BEX17 | EMO. EXP. Item 17 |
C1BEX18 | EMO. EXP. Item 18 |
C1BEX19 | EMO. EXP. Item 19 |
C1BEX20 | EMO. EXP. Item 20 |
C1BEX21 | EMO. EXP. Item 21 |
C1BEX22 | EMO. EXP. Item 22 |
C1Bex1z | Emo. Exp. Item 1 Standardized |
C1Bex5z | Emo. Exp. Item 5 Standardized |
C1Bex11z | Emo. Exp. Item 11 Standardized |
C1Bex17z | Emo. Exp. Item 17 Standardized |
IEE1ASCz | Appropriateness Score Standardized Y1 |
IEE1ASC | Appropriateness Score IEE Y1 |
IEE1NRS | No Response score IEE Y1 |
IEE1PAG | Physical Agg score IEE Y1 |
IEE1VAG | Verbal Agg score IEE Y1 |
IEE1APS | Avoidant/Passive score IEE Y1 |
IEE1ADS | Affective Display score IEE Y1 |
IEE1CWA | Comm w/Adults score IEE Y1 |
IEE1CWP | Comm w/Peers score IEE Y1 |
IEE1SCS | Self-Control score IEE Y1 |
IEE1PSS | Prosocial score IEE Y1 |
IEE1DNS | Do Nothing score IEE Y1 |
IEE1AGG | Aggression Scale IEE Y1 |
IEE1COM | Communication Scale IEE Y1 |
IEE1PRS | Positive Response Scale IEE Y1 |