Neighborhood Questionnaire

Abstract: The Neighborhood Questionnaire is a 16-item measure that assesses a parent's satisfaction with the family's neighborhood. The questionnaire explores sociability in the neighborhood, the neighborhood's stability, the quality of public services (police, schools, transportation, garbage collection), neighborhood safety, the incidence of violent crime, drug traffic in the neighborhood, the parent's involvement with neighbors, and the parent's participation in neighborhood organizations. Responses include three-point, four-point, five-point, six-point, and dichotomous scales. One item has nine response choices. Items ask about satisfaction level, quality, duration, quantity, level of involvement, and frequency. Three items are yes/no questions. This measure has three subscales: the Neighborhood Safety Subscale (items 1, 6, 10, 11, and 12), the Neighborhood Social Involvement Subscale (items 3, 4, 5, and 13), and the Public Services Subscale (items 8 and 9). A previous analysis determined that items 2, 7, and 15 should not be included on any subscale, and that items 14 and 16, which are dichotomous, should also be excluded from the subscales. The ordering of responses in items 10 and 11 was reversed before scoring. Raw scores for items 1 to 13 were converted to a ten-point scale. T-tests of means for three subscales and two independent items (2 and 7) do not show a significant difference between the normative and the high-risk control groups. Analysts should also be aware that items on the Neighborhood Questionnaire contain several different response scales and response metrics. Additionally, item and subscale intercorrelations are modest.

Who Completed this Measure?: Parent

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 01 | K | age 6
  • Year 02 | grade 1 | age 7
  • Year 03 | grade 2 | age 8
  • Year 08 | grade 7 | age 13
  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14
  • Year 11 | grade 10 | age 16
  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 01 | K | age 6
  • Year 02 | grade 1 | age 7
  • Year 03 | grade 2 | age 8
  • Year 08 | grade 7 | age 13
  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14
  • Year 11 | grade 10 | age 16
  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 01 | K | age 6
  • Year 02 | grade 1 | age 7
  • Year 03 | grade 2 | age 8
  • Year 08 | grade 7 | age 13
  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14
  • Year 11 | grade 10 | age 16
  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: PyG

Scored Dataset Name: NHQy

Community Relations, Involvement, Neighborhood Characteristics, Participation, Safety, Services

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here

SAS Code for Scale Creation:
Download the code here

Measure Items and Scales:

SITECODE Actual Code Number on Form
TCID Child's ID Number
YEAR Year of Participation
RESP Respondent Code
PARTNER Had a partner in the last year
SITE Study Site
P3GNQ1 In general, how do you feel about this neighborhood?
P3GNQ2 How long have most of the people in this neighborhood lived here?
P3GNQ3 Which best describes neighborhood? (Most don't talk or visit, Some talk or visit, Most talk or visit)
P3GNQ4 How many of your neighbors do you know well enough to visit or call on?
P3GNQ5 How often do you get together with any of your neighbors--either visiting at each other's house or going places together?
P3GNQ6 How satisfied are you with the police protections here?
P3GNQ7 How satisfied are you with the garbage collections around here?
P3GNQ8 How satisfied are you with the schools around here?
P3GNQ9 How satisfied are you with the public transportation around here?
P3GNQ10 How often are there problems with muggings, burglaries, assaults, or anything else like that around here?
P3GNQ11 How much of a problem is the selling and using of drugs around here?
P3GNQ12 How well do the police and the people in this neighborhood get along?
P3GNQ13 How involved are you in your neighborhood?
P3GNQ14 Are there any groups in this neighborhood--things like block clubs, community associations, social clubs, helping groups, etc
P3GNQ15 How many of these groups are you involved in?
P3GNQ16 Do you hold an office or post in any of these groups?
TREATMNT Treatment Group (Interv/Cntl)
NORM Members of Normative Sample
LENGTH Length of Stay item
GARBAGE Garbage Collection item
p3gnqsaf Neighborhood Safety Subscale
scoretheresaf scoretheresaf
misssaf misssaf
p3gnqsoc Neighboorhood Social Involvement Subscale
scoretheresoc scoretheresoc
missoc missoc
p3gnqpub Public Services Subscale
scoretherepub scoretherepub
misspub misspub