Parent Child Communication – Child

Adapted from the Revised Parent-Adolescent Communication Form of the Pittsburgh Youth Study (see Loeber, Farrington, Stouthamer-Loeber, & van Kammen, 1998; Thornberry, Huizinga, & Loeber, 1995). Pittsburgh Youth Study, The Department of Psychiatry of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 3811 O'Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

Abstract: The Parent-Child Communication -Child is a 10-item measure which assesses children's perceptions of their primary caregiver's openness to communication. The answers are coded 5-point scales where 1 represents "almost never" and 5 represents "almost always." Exploratory factor analyses were conducted using the normative sample to inform scaling, separately for the Child and the Parent items (see Addendum). The resultant two scales parallel the scales created in the original Technical Report (McMahon, Kim, & Jones, 1997): Parent Communication and Child Communication. Items 4 and 9 did not load on either scale. Each scale score was calculated by taking an average of the items comprising the scale. None of the observations were missing 50% or more data. The parent communication scale on this measure reflects the child's perception of the primary caregiver's effort to maintain open communication with him/her. The child communication scale reflects the frequency with which the child communicates his/her feelings and problems with the primary caregiver. Similar constructs, although measured by different combinations of items, can be found on the Parent-Child Communication, Parent Report measure.

Who Completed this Measure?: select one

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11
  • Year 08 | grade 7 | age 13
  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14
  • Year 10 | grade 9 | age 15
  • Year 11 | grade 10 | age 16
  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11
  • Year 08 | grade 7 | age 13
  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14
  • Year 10 | grade 9 | age 15
  • Year 11 | grade 10 | age 16
  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11
  • Year 08 | grade 7 | age 13
  • Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14
  • Year 10 | grade 9 | age 15
  • Year 11 | grade 10 | age 16
  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: CyQ

Scored Dataset Name: PCCySCc

Communication Skills, Empathy, Parent Child Relationship

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here

SAS Code for Scale Creation:
Download the code here

Measure Items and Scales:

site Study Site
tcid Study ID Number
cohort Cohort
intid Interviewer ID Number
C11Qc1 Parent good listener
C11Qc2 Parent can tell how child feels
C11Qc3 Parent tried to understand thoughts
C11Qc4 Some things I do not discuss w/parents
C11Qc5 Discuss problems w/parents
C11Qc6 Parent insults child when angry
C11Qc7 Parent can tell how really feels
C11Qc8 Can let parent know what bothers child
C11Qc9 Some things par do not let me discuss
C11Qc10 Can say what I think if par disagrees
sitecode Actual Code Number on Form
c11qc6r Reversed-Parent insults child when angry
pcc11pac pcc parent communication
pcc11chc pcc child communication