Parenting – Friend
Parenting (friend version) is a 12-item selection from a measure previously used in the Fast Track project, called the Conflict Tactics Scale (Murray Straus, 1979) designed to establish the respondent’s parenting skills. This friend version measures the frequency of occurrence of things the nominated friend of the respondent asserts the TC might have done to his/her child(ren).
Abstract: The Friend’s Parenting instrument in Wave XIX is a 12-item selection from a measure previously used in the Fast Track Project, called the Conflict Tactics Scale. This instrument is designed to establish the respondent’s parenting skills . This measure, as is, consists of 6 questions from the original the Conflict Tactics Scale. The questionnaire establishes, first, the living status of the respondent with up to 5 children. Then it is followed by a selected list of items from the Conflict Tactics Scale measure (Straus, 1979). The Conflict Tactics Scale items measure frequency of occurrence of things the nominated friend of the respondent asserts the TC might have done to his/her child(ren). Original scales constructed using the Conflict Tactics Scale were omitted in this report, since a very few selected items of those original scales were actually used in the present instrument. No scales were constructed for this measure, since a limited number of items from the original were used in the instrument. This instrument used selected individual items from Conflict Tactics. The user is encouraged to test for associations for variables measuring individual items. For these individual variables (Q327 through Q338), the presence of missing values should be noted.
Who Completed this Measure?: Peer/Friend
Cohort 1 - Administrative History
- Year 19 | age 24-25
Cohort 2 - Administrative History
- Year 19 | age 24-25
Cohort 3 - Administrative History
- Year 19 | age 24-25
Technical Reports:
Raw Dataset Name: FyF
Scored Dataset Name: FPYySFc
Child Discipline, Emotional Abuse, Family, Family Relations, friend, Parent Attitudes, Parental Communication, Parental Involvement, Parental satisfaction, Parenting values, peer, Physical Abuse, Punishment
Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: No
Obtain Measure:
Murray A. Straus
Family Research Laboratory
126 Horton Social Science Center
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
Tel: 603-862-2594