Parenting Practices Inventory

Abstract: The Parenting Practices Inventory is a 17-item measure developed for this project to assess the parent's permissiveness of their discipline, the effectiveness of their discipline and the consistency of their discipline efforts. The items are coded on a 4-point scale describing specific frequency ratings ("never", "almost never", "sometimes", "often"). The measure was part of the Parent Screen for Year 1. Subsequently, it was moved to the parent summer interview for Year 2 due to concerns about the length of the parent screen. An exploratory principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation was conducted on the normative sample of the Cohort 1 Year 1 data. Four eigenvalues greater than 1.0 were found. Examination of the scree plot showed a high first factor followed by three lower values. Examination of 2, 3, and 4-factor structures showed the 3-factor solution to yield the best findings in terms of minimizing the double loadings and providing a conceptual fit in accordance with previous results (Lochman & Conduct Problem Prevention Research Group, 1995). It is recommended that the mean scores for the Consistency, Effectiveness and Punitiveness subscale be utilized for analyses. Results are consistent with previous factorization (Lochman & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, in press). The subscales demonstrate adequate reliability, although, there is a moderately high correlation between the Punitiveness and Effectiveness subscales in the normative sample. Furthermore, item # 59 can be classified with either the Punitiveness or Effectiveness subscales, resulting in only very low changes in the reliability coefficients.

Who Completed this Measure?: Parent

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 01 | K | age 6

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 01 | K | age 6

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: PxR

Scored Dataset Name: PPIySPc

Discipline, Obedience, Parent Child Relationship, Parental Authority, Parenting Skills, Punishment

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here

SAS Code for Scale Creation:
Download the code here

Measure Items and Scales:

TCID Child's ID Number
COHORT Cohort Number
YEAR Year of Participation in Study
P1R1 How Often Give Up Trying to Get TC to Do Something?
P1R2 How Often Parent Loses Temper?
P1R3 How Often Does Punishment Work?
P1R4 Can TC Get Parent to Change Punishment?
P1R5 After Punishment, Does TC Get Worse?
P1R6 How Often Does TC Get Away w/ Things?
P1R7 Feel It's Too Much Trouble to Punish?
P1R8 How Often Do You Have to Spank Child?
P1R9 How Often Have Difficulty Controlling TC
P1R10 How Often Decide Not to Punish TC?
P1R11 How Often Do You Yell at Your Child?
P1R12 How Often Punishment Improves Behavior?
P1R13 How Often Does TC Avoid Rules Set Down?
P1R14 How Often Does TC Do What TC is Told?
P1R15 How Often Does TC Accept Punishment?
P1R16 How Often Have to Threaten Punishment?
P1R17 Will TC Stop Doing Something When Told?
MISSING Flag for Missing Responses
p1r3r Reversed -How Often Does Punishment Work?
p1r12r Reversed -How Often Punishment Improves Behavior?
p1r14r Reversed -How Often Does TC Do What TC is Told?
p1r15r Reversed -How Often Does TC Accept Punishment?
p1r17r Reversed -Will TC Stop Doing Something When Told?
PPI1CON Consistency Mean Score PPI Yr1
PPI1EFF Effectiveness Mean Score PPI Yr1
PPI1PUN Punitiveness Mean Score PPI Yr1