Post-Visit Reaction Inventory – Youth
Abstract: The Post-Visit Reaction Inventory-Youth is based on the Post-Visit Reaction Inventory Child used sporadically from year 1 to year 13. This is a 60-item checklist that was completed by interviewers within 24 hours after each visit. It was developed to provide staff ratings of the family‟s physical environment, the child‟s behavior toward the parent during the visit, the mother‟s and father‟s behavior toward the child during the visit, parental behavior toward the visitors and probable validity of the data, and the child‟s and parents‟ apparent need for intervention. The Post Visit Inventory Youth is a 4 item questionnaire the interviewer completes in order to evaluate the respondent‟s cooperation during the visit. This measure was specifically designed for the gathering of general data for use with the Fast Track project. It was not meant for widespread use.
Who Completed this Measure?: Observer
Cohort 1 - Administrative History
- Year 14 | age 19
- Year 15 | age 20
Cohort 2 - Administrative History
- Year 14 | age 19
- Year 15 | age 20
Cohort 3 - Administrative History
- Year 14 | age 19
- Year 15 | age 20
Technical Reports:
Raw Dataset Name: OyS
Scored Dataset Name: PVYySOc
Child's Behavior, Data Validity, Need for Invention, Parental Behavior, Physical Environment
Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes
Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here