Abstract: The Religiosity measure is a three-item instrument that estimates the religiosity of children in the early teen years. This measure was created for the Fast Track Project. The measure contains two questions about a child's participation in activities at a church, temple, or mosque. A third question asks about the child's frequency of prayer activity during the past year. For the first question response choices are "Yes" and "No". The second question has the choices: "Not at all" (0), "No more than twice" (1), "4-5 times" (2), "At least once a month" (3), and "At least once a week" (4). The final question has the choices: "No more than twice" (0), "4-5 times" (1), "At least once a month" (2), "At least once a week" (3), and "Daily" (4). Since this measure contains no subscales there is no scoring program or scored dataset contents. The table only show the count of responses for items 2 and 3. Chi-square results for Item 1 suggest that this item discriminates between normative and control respondents for Year 9. However, t-tests of means for Items 2 and 3 do not show significant differences between the normative and control groups. This measure, particularly Item 1, may be useful to analysts as an estimate of religiosity, depending on the construct of interest.
Who Completed this Measure?: select one
Cohort 1 - Administrative History
- Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14
Cohort 2 - Administrative History
- Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14
Cohort 3 - Administrative History
- Year 09 | grade 8 | age 14
Technical Reports:
Raw Dataset Name: CyAO
Scored Dataset Name: RLGySCc
Church Activities, Organized Religion, Prayer
Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes
Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here
Measure Items and Scales:
COHORT | Cohort |
SITE | Study Site |
TCID | Study ID Number |
INTID | Interviewer ID Number |
C9AO1 | During the past year, did you attend a regular service at a church, mosque, or temple? |
C9AO2 | During the past year, how involved were you in the activities of your church, mosque, or temple? |
C9AO3 | During the past year, how often did you pray or look to a higher power for help with a problem? |
SITECODE | Actual Sitecode Entered |