Strengths and Difficulties – Offspring

Abstract: The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a brief 25-item behavioral screening questionnaire capturing positive and negative attributes of children age 2 to 17 year olds. Compared with well-established Rutter questionnaires, the SDQ has high validity and reliability (Goodman 1997). Furthermore, the SDQ offers the following additional advantages: a focus on strengths as well as difficulties; better coverage of inattention, peer relationships, and prosocial behavior; a shorter format; and a single form suitable for both parents and teachers, perhaps thereby increasing parent-teacher correlations (Goodman 1997). Four of the subscales on the parent SDQ. Alphas were generally higher for male children and for low parental education level (Mieloo 2012). For the Fast Track Project, participants completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire for each of their children ages 2 to 17 years old.

Who Completed this Measure?: Target Child/Youth (now in adulthood)

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 28 | age 33-34

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 28 | age 33-34

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 28 | age 33-34

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: c28fr

Scored Dataset Name: sdq28

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Measure Items and Scales:

c28fr01 In the past 6 months, was your child considerate of other people’s feelings?
c28fr02 In the past 6 months, was your child restless, overactive, or could not stay still for long?
c28fr03 In the past 6 months, did your child often complain of headaches, stomachaches, or sickness?
c28fr04 In the past 6 mos, did your child chare readily with other youth, for example school books, games, or food?
c28fr05 In the past 6 months, did your child often lose his or her temper?
c28fr06 In the past 6 months, did your child prefer to be alone than with other youth?
c28fr07 In the past 6 months, was your child generally well behaved and usually did what adults requested?
c28fr07r Reversed: In the past 6 mos, was your child generally well behaved and usually did what adults requested?
c28fr08 In the past 6 months, did your child have many worries or often seemed worried?
c28fr09 In the past 6 months, was your child helpful is someone was hurt, upset, or feeling ill?
c28fr10 In the past 6 months, was your child constantly fidgeting or squirming?
c28fr11 In the past 6 months, did your child have at least one good friend?
c28fr11r Reversed: In the past 6 months, did your child have at least one good friend?
c28fr12 In the past 6 months, did your child often fight with other youth or bully them?
c28fr13 In the past 6 months, was your child often unhappy, depressed, or tearful?
c28fr14 In the past 6 months, was your child generally liked by other youth?
c28fr14r Reversed: In the past 6 months, was your child generally liked by other youth?
c28fr15 In the past 6 months, was your child easily distracted or did their concentration wander?
c28fr16 In the past 6 months, was your child nervous in new situations or easily lost confidence?
c28fr17 In the past 6 months, was your child kind to younger children?
c28fr18 In the past 6 months, did your child often lie or cheat?
c28fr19 In the past 6 months, was your child picked on or bullied by other youth?
c28fr20 In the past 6 months, did your child often offer to help others (parents, teachers, children)?
c28fr21 In the past 6 months, did your child think things out before acting?
c28fr21r Reversed: In the past 6 months, did your child think things out before acting?
c28fr22 In the past 6 months, did your child steal from home, school, or elsewhere?
c28fr23 In the past 6 months, did your child get along better with adults than with other youth?
c28fr24 In the past 6 months, did your child have many fears or get scared easily?
c28fr25 In the past 6 months, did your child have a good attention span or see work through to the end?
c28fr25r Reversed: In the past 6 months, did your child have a good attention span or see work through to the end?
Scales Items Description
sdq28con c28fr05, c28fr07r, c28fr12, c28fr18, c28fr22 Conduct Problem Scale
sdq28emo c28fr03, c28fr08, c28fr13, c28fr16, c28fr24  Emotional Problem Scale
sdq28hyp c28fr02, c28fr10, c28fr15, c28fr21r, c28fr25r  Hyperactivity Scale
sdq28per c28fr06, c28fr11r, c28fr14r, c28fr19, c28fr23  Peer Problems Scale
sdq28pro c28fr01, c28fr04, c28fr09, c28fr17, c28fr20  Prosocial Scale
sdq28tot c28fr02-03, c28fr05-06, c28fr07r, c28fr08, c28fr10, c28fr11r, c28fr12-13, c28fr14r, c28fr15, c28fr16, c28fr18-19, c28fr21r, c28fr22-24, c28fr25r  Total Problem Scale
sdq28aco sdq28con >= 4 Abnormal Conduct Problem Score
sdq28aem sdq28emo  >= 5 Abnormal Emotional Problem Score
sdq28ahy sdq28hyp >= 7 Abnormal Hyperactivity Problem Score
sdq28ape sdq28per >= 4 Abnormal Peer Problem Score
sdq28apr sdq28pro < 5 Abnormal Prosocial Score
sdq28ato sdq28tot >= 17 Abnormal Total Problem Score