Teacher Rating of Student Adjustment – Addendum

Abstract: The Teacher Rating of Student Adjustment is a 7-item instrument developed by the Fast Track Project to assess dimensions of success in adjusting to middle and high school. The Teacher Rating of Student Adjustment Addendum is a 5-item instrument developed by the Fast Track Project to further assess student‟s suspensions. Responses are coded as open numeric frequencies. Data presented in this report are ratings from a single teacher for each student. The researcher must keep in mind that these variables are not directly comparable to the aggregate scores described in the technical reports for years 7 through 9. The addendum only measures suspensions and disciplinary actions taken by the school. Comparisons over time would involve a single teacher‟s rating for each student. These scores would be comparable to the single teacher ratings contained in later years. Analysts should note that this report includes students from the Control sample for year 10, only. Cohort 1 students were not assessed, thus removing Normative students from this report.

Who Completed this Measure?: Teacher

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 11 | grade 10 | age 16
  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 10 | grade 9 | age 15
  • Year 11 | grade 10 | age 16
  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 10 | grade 9 | age 15
  • Year 11 | grade 10 | age 16
  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: TyL

Scored Dataset Name: TAAySTc


Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here