The Fast Track experiment: Translating the developmental model into a prevention design.
Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (2004). The Fast Track experiment: Translating the developmental model into a prevention design. In J. B. Kupersmidt & K. A. Dodge (Eds.), Children's peer relations: From development to intervention (pp. 181-208). American Psychological Association.
Abstract: We explore how research on children's social relationships led to recognition of the behavioral causes and consequences of being rejected by peer groups, and to early, partially-successful intervention efforts with children with poor peer relationships. Based on these early studies, and on accumulating information about the broad range of mediating factors influencing antisocial behavior, the developmental model which serves as the foundation for Fast Track was articulated. Because it is essential that the developmental model of a preventive intervention map clearly onto the intervention research study's measurement model and onto the intervention model (Coie, 1996), we examine how the Fast Track developmental model was integrated into the corresponding intervention model. The design and procedures for the Fast Track study are outlined, and initial findings of the efficacy of the program are reviewed.