The Fast Track program: A developmentally focused intervention for children with conduct problems.
McMahon, R. J., Greenberg, M. T., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (1995). The Fast Track program: A developmentally focused intervention for children with conduct problems. Clinician's Research Digest, Supplemental Bulletin, 13, 1-2.
Abstract: Conduct problems are among the most serious and unyielding behavioral problems of childhood and adolescence. This Supplemental Bulletin describes Fast Track, with a focus on the multiple components and long-term nature of the interventions in this prevention program. The FastTrack program advocates a developmentally based intervention model that identifies particular periods and critical areas of intervention for both the child and his order socialization support systems. By focusing on multiple domains, comprehensive and integrated interventions across the elementary and preadolescent years are more likely to produce significant reductions in conduct problems and improvements in adaptive outcomes for these children and their families.