Handling Race Experiences

Abstract: Handling Race Experiences (CPPRG, 1997-2001) is a 30-item measure which assesses youths' experiences with, and responses to, situations that African Americans often face. Situations include possible police harassment, discrimination in school (i.e., teacher's low expectations, being accused of breaking a rule), and job discrimination. It is administered in grade 11 to African American students only. This measure was developed for this project based on the Race Coping Measure (Lesane, C., 2003). Six racially hostile situations were presented. The responses for each situation were coded as '1' for "yes" and '0' for "no". For each situation, four coping responses were offered. Students were asked to rate how often they would use the coping response in response to a racially hostile situation. The responses were coded on a 5-point scale of '0' (never), '1' (unlikely to feel this), '2' (maybe would feel this), '3' (probably would feel this), and '4' (would definitely feel this). One subscale, Prevalence of Conversations, consists of the sum across scenarios of the first question in each case regarding prevalence of conversations about racially hostile situations. This scale ranges from '0' to '6', with a high score indicating that a respondent had talked with a parent or family member about several or all of the situations presented in the measure. Children who reported talking to their parents about one of the racial situations were then asked how often their parents suggested using each of four types of coping mechanisms (Submission, Active Avoidance, Contextualized Reality-Based Agentic, and Self-Assertion). Four additional subscales were then created to measure the frequency with which parents suggested each type of coping style across the scenarios. This measure should only be used with African American youth. All of the scales were normally distributed for both the normative and the control samples.

Who Completed this Measure?: select one

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 12 | grade 11 | age 17

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: CyBD

Scored Dataset Name: HREySCc

African-American Stereotypes, Coping, Discrimination, Harassment, Racial Bias

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here

SAS Code for Scale Creation:
Download the code here

Measure Items and Scales:

tcid TCID Number
site Study Site
INTID Interviewer ID Number
C12BD5 Have you ever felt that as an African-American you were expected to get worse grades than other students.
C12BD10 Have you ever felt that an adult at school accused you of breaking a school rule because you are African-American?
C12BD15 Have you ever tried out for something (like a job, team, part in a play, club) and felt that you were not given a fair chance because you are African-American?
C12BD20 Have you ever felt that you had to work extra hard to keep your job because you are African-American?
C12BD25 Have you ever been in a store and felt that you were being watched by store employees because you are African-American?
C12BD30 Have you ever been in a public place (for example, on the street, in a mall) and felt that the police were harassing you because you are African-American?
C12BD6 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I cant change others views, so I wont try.
C12BD7 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I will work harder so the teacher will give a good grade.
C12BD8 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I am smart, so I will just do what I should do anyway and that will prove them wrong.
C12BD9 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I wont let others look down on me or treat me badly. I will stand up for myself.
C12BD11 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: Its going to happen. There is nothing I can do about it.
C12BD12 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I wont do anything that looks suspicious so they might leave me alone.
C12BD13 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I know I dont do anything wrong, so I wont worry about it.
C12BD14 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I will confront them and tell them to treat me fairly.
C12BD16 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: Thats how things are; there is nothing I can do about it.
C12BD17 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I will do the best that I can and I will be treated fairly.
C12BD18 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I know that I am good in this area. This is their problem and I wont let it get to me.
C12BD19 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I will stand up and demand that they give me a fair chance.
C12BD21 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I will just do the extra work and not complain. There is nothing I can do.
C12BD22 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I will be proud to do the best that I can.
C12BD23 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I know that I can work extra hard and it will help me be more successful in the long run.
C12BD24 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I will stand up for myself and not let others take advantage of me or downplay my hard work.
C12BD26 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: There is nothing I can do about it.
C12BD27 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I wont do anything that looks suspicious and they might leave me alone.
C12BD28 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I know I am not a thief, so I wont pay them any mind.
C12BD29 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I will confront them and tell them to leave me alone.
C12BD31 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I would do what they told me and be polite.
C12BD32 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I would not do anything suspicious in public so that police wont harass me in the first place.
C12BD33 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I know I am not a criminal, but I will keep my cool. I can always file a complaint later.
C12BD34 If it were to happen, how likely are you to feel the following: I would stand up for myself and refuse to let them harass me.
sitecode SITECODE
C12BD6r Recoded-I cannot change other's views so why try
C12BD7r Recoded-I'll work harder so the teacher will give a good grade
C12BD8r Recoded-I'm smart so I'll do what I should and prove them wrong
C12BD9r Recoded-I won't let others look down on me. I will stand up for myself
C12BD11r Recoded-There's nothing I can do about it
C12BD12r Recoded-I won't do anything that looks suspicious so they might leave me alone
C12BD13r Recoded-I know I don't do anything wrong so I won't worry about it
C12BD14r Recoded-I will confront them and tell them to treat me fairly
C12BD16r Recoded-There's nothing I can do about it
C12BD17r Recoded-I will do the best that I can and I will be treated fairly
C12BD18r Recoded-I know I am good in this area. I won't let it get to me
C12BD19r Recoded-I will stand up and demand that they give me a fair chance
C12BD21r Recoded-There's nothing I can do
C12BD22r Recoded-I will be proud to do the best that I can
C12BD23r Recoded-I know I can work extra hard and it will help me be more successful
C12BD24r Recoded-I will stand up for myself and not let others take advantage of me
C12BD26r Recoded-There's nothing I can do about it
C12BD27r Recoded-I won't do anything that looks suspicious and they might leave me alone
C12BD28r Recoded-I know I am not a thief so I won't pay them any mind
C12BD29r Recoded-I will confront them and tell them to leave me alone
C12BD31r Recoded-I would do what they told me and be polite
C12BD32r Recoded-I would not do anything suspicious in public so they won't harass me
C12BD33r Recoded-I know I'm not a criminal but I will keep my cool
C12BD34r Recoded-I would stand up for myself and refuse to let them harass me
HRE12COP HRE-Prevalence of Conversations Yr12
HRE12SBS HRE-Submissive Coping Style Yr12
HRE12AAC HRE-Active Avoidance Coping Style Yr12
HRE12CRC HRE-Contextualized, Reality Based Agentic Coping Style Yr12
HRE12SAC HRE-Self-Assertion Coping Style Yr12
TREATMNT Treatment Group (Interv/Cntl)
NORM Members of Normative Sample
low_risk low_risk