What Do You Think

Abstract: The What Do You Think stories (WYT) were first administered in Year 5. To date, the instrument has been administered to cohorts 1 and 2 in year 5, and cohort 1 in year 6. The interviewer reads a series of six stories to the respondent and follows each story with a series of questions. The first three stories involve a problematic peer situation. The last three stories depict problematic situations involving an interaction with an adult authority figure. Each question (except the free response) are coded on a five point scale (1=yes, definitely; 2= yes, probably; 3=maybe yes, maybe no; 4= no, probably; 5=no, definitely not). As part of the computation process, the scale points are reversed for all scores such that higher scores indicate more anger, sadness, hostile attributions, etc. Initially, 21 scores are created. The scores represent the answers to each question collapsed across the six stories. In addition, for the free responses, scores are created indexing the proportion of answers scored into each or the 8 categories. Scores were computed for all subjects with data from 3 or more stories. Five second order scores are created by combining two or more of the first order scores. The second order scores were computed for the subjects having valid scores for both of the first order variables: The five second order variables are appropriate for most analyses (assuming the hostile/benign dimension is acceptable). Although the higher order variables are not more reliable than the first order measures, the first order variables my suffer more from floor and ceiling effects. Only two of the proportion scores have acceptable psychometric properties (aggression and assertive/competent). The other response categories appeared very infrequently. Note that all variables are collapsed across peer and adult situations. Exploratory analyses indicated that this was an acceptable approach that did not dramatically alter the psychometric properties of the variables. However, additional scores my be computed using only the adult, or only the peer stories.

Who Completed this Measure?: select one

Cohort 1 - Administrative History

  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11

Cohort 2 - Administrative History

  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11

Cohort 3 - Administrative History

  • Year 05 | grade 4 | age 10
  • Year 06 | grade 5 | age 11

Technical Reports:

Raw Dataset Name: CyK, CyL

Scored Dataset Name: WYTySCc

Aggression, Attribution, Conflict Resolution, Peer Relationships, Police Contact, Punishment, Self Control, , Teacher Authority

Is this Measure Available for Public Use?: Yes

Obtain Measure:
Download the measure here

SAS Code for Scale Creation:
Download the code here

Measure Items and Scales:

TCID Study ID Number
C6KA1A A - Hostile Attribution
C6KA1B A - Benign Attribution
C6KA2A A - Feel Angry
C6KA2B A - Feel Sad
C6KA3A A - Retribution Goal
C6KA3B A - Problem Resolution Goal
C6KA3C A - Problem Avoidance Goal
C6KA4 A - Response
C6KA5A1 A - Enact Benign Response
C6KA5A2 A - Benign Response Effectiveness
C6KA5A3 A - Effect on Peers of Benign Response
C6KA5B1 A - Enact Hostile Response
C6KA5B2 A - Hostile Response Effectiveness
C6KA5B3 A - Effect on Peers of Hostile Response
C6KB1A B - Benign Attribution
C6KB1B B - Hostile Attribution
C6KB2A B - Feel Angry
C6KB2B B - Feel Sad
C6KB3A B - Problem Resolution Goal
C6KB3B B - Problem Avoidance Goal
C6KB3C B - Retribution Goal
C6KB4 B - Response
C6KB5A1 B - Enact Hostile Response
C6KB5A2 B - Hostile Response Effectiveness
C6KB5A3 B - Effect on Peers of Hostile Response
C6KB5B1 B - Enact Benign Response
C6KB5B2 B - Benign Response Effectiveness
C6KB5B3 B - Effect on Peers of Benign Response
C6KC1A C - Benign Attribution
C6KC1B C - Hostile Attribution
C6KC2A C - Feel Sad
C6KC2B C - Feel Angry
C6KC3A C - Problem Avoidance Goal
C6KC3B C - Retribution Goal
C6KC3C C - Problem Resolution Goal
C6KC4 C - Response
C6KC5A1 C - Enact Benign Response
C6KC5A2 C - Benign Response Effectiveness
C6KC5A3 C - Effect on Peers of Benign Response
C6KC5B1 C - Enact  Hostile Response
C6KC5B2 C - Hostile Response Effectiveness
C6KC5B3 C - Effect on Peers of Benign Response
SITE Study Site
C6LD1A D - Benign Attribution
C6LD1B D - Hostile Attribution
C6LD2A D - Feel Sad
C6LD2B D - Feel Angry
C6LD3A D - Retribution Goal
C6LD3B D - Problem Avoidance Goal
C6LD3C D - Problem Resolution Goal
C6LD4 D - Response
C6LD5A1 D - Enact Benign Response
C6LD5A2 D - Benign Response Effectiveness
C6LD5A3 D - Effect on Peers of Benign Response
C6LD5B1 D - Enact Hostile Response
C6LD5B2 D - Hostile Response Effectiveness
C6LD5B3 D - Effect on Peers of Hostile Response
C6LE1A E - Hostile Attribution
C6LE1B E - Benign Attribution
C6LE2A E - Feel Angry
C6LE2B E - Feel Sad
C6LE3A E - Problem Avoidance Goal
C6LE3B E - Retribution Goal
C6LE3C E - Problem Resolution Goal
C6LE4 E - Response
C6LE5A1 E - Enact Hostile Response
C6LE5A2 E - Hostile Response Effectiveness
C6LE5A3 E - Effect on Peers of Hostile Response
C6LE5B1 E - Enact Benign Response
C6LE5B2 E - Benign Response Effectiveness
C6LE5B3 E - Effect on Peers of Benign Response
C6LF1A F - Benign Attribution
C6LF1B F - Hostile Attribution
C6LF2A F - Feel Angry
C6LF2B F - Feel Sad
C6LF3A F - Problem Resolution Goal
C6LF3B F - Problem Avoidance Goal
C6LF3C F - Retribution Goal
C6LF4 F - Response
C6LF5A1 F - Enact Benign Response
C6LF5A2 F - Benign Response Effectiveness
C6LF5A3 F - Effect on Peers of Benign Response
C6LF5B1 F - Enact  Hostile Response
C6LF5B2 F - Hostile Response Effectiveness
C6LF5B3 F - Effect on Peers of Benign Response
wyt6rpu Y6 aggressive/punishment responses
wyt6bat Y6 benign attributions
wyt6hat Y6 hostile attributions
wyt6agy Y6 feel angry
wyt6sad Y6 feel sad
wyt6ret Y6 retribution goals
wyt6res Y6 problem resolution goals
wyt6avd Y6 problem avoidance goals
wyt6bct Y6 enact benign responses
wyt6bef Y6 effectiveness benging responses
wyt6bps Y6 effect on peers benign responses
wyt6hct Y6 enact hostile responses
wyt6hef Y6 effectiveness hostile responses
wyt6hps Y6 effect on peers hostile responses
wyt6pag Y6 aggressive responses
wyt6pac Y6 assertive/competent responses
wyt6pap Y6 authority-punish responses
wyt6pai Y6 authority-intervene responses
wyt6ppa Y6 passive/avoidant responses
wyt6psc Y6 self-control responses
wyt6pot Y6 other responses
wyt6pir Y6 irrelevant/unable responses
wyt6ena Y6 hostile enact-benign enact
wyt6eff Y6 hostile effect-benign effect
wyt6eop Y6 hostile eff peers-benign eff peers
wyt6att Y6 hostile attrib-benign attrib